February 8, 2025
Saturday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time
Featured Content
Today's Readings and Video Reflection (Hebrews 13:15-17, 20-21, Mark 6:30-34)
(Courtesy of U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops)
Prayer for Today (courtesy of Catholic Daily Reflections)
My generous Lord, You gave of Yourself without reserve. People came to You in their need, and You did not hesitate to serve them out of love. Give me a heart that imitates Your generosity and help me to always say “Yes” to the charitable work to which I am called. May I learn to find great joy in serving others, especially in those unplanned and unexpected circumstances of life. Jesus, I trust in You.
Stories of Inspiration
News/Current Events
2/7/2025 - National Catholic Register
Rising Faith Videos

Music Videos
Rising Faith Music
News and Current Events
2/7/2025 - National Catholic Register
2/7/2025 - National Catholic Register
2/7/2025 - National Catholic Register
2/7/2025 - National Catholic Register
Rediscover The Sacraments
The Big Questions
Released 2019
'Unity' is The Very Family's latest album, containing songs and reflections that recall the common beliefs, healing power, and profound joy that we share in the Christian life. In these times of division and struggle, Unity helps us remember and rejoice in the beauty and holiness of Christ's call to all of us - a call of hope, service, and holiness.
Released 2014
'Generations' is a collection of songs of faith and inspiration, performed by The Very Family. As our family has grown, and the blessings of new generations are given to us from God, we share our joy and encouragement with your family's generations, and hope this music gives you hope, support and peace.
Released 2001
Holy Week
'Holy Week' is a musical story of Christ's Passion and Resurrection, performed by The Very Family, and takes us on a unique journey through the most holy days of the Christian year. It is a great companion to your own reflection or to share with your whole family, during this time of profound relationship to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
The Blog
Why Does God Allow Evil, and Let Bad Things Happen?
My Life Is A Mess - Why Would God Still Want Me?
Is Religion Opposed to Science?
Does God Really Exist?
Is Catholicism Really Different than Other Religions?
Why is Pro-Life of Primary Importance?
Family and Marriage - What is the Catholic View?
What Does Catholicism Teach about Homosexuality and Same Sex Attraction?
The Sexual Abuse Scandal Pushed Me Away
Why Doesn't the Church Condone Artificial Birth Control?
How Can I Join the Church, or Get Back to My Faith?
How Can I Help Someone Who Has Fallen Away from Faith?
Why Does the Church Have So Many Rules?
Catholic Belief - What and Why?