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Rob Very

Released Today! 'Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring' - 2023 Christmas Card Video

Today, we released Rising Faith’s 2023 Christmas Card video. JOY is the theme of this year's video, an arrangement based on Bach’s ‘Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring’. We all seek a joyful life for ourselves and for all around us – but true joy is so often elusive, confounding our attempts to achieve it in so many different ways! So what is the secret?

Our Christian faith teaches us that true joy is found when we align our desires to our true, created nature - when we seek out and live in ways that were intended by God our Creator, not in ways that fight against it. So many of our desires for worldly wealth, power, pleasure or honor ultimately fail to bring us joy, because we’re desiring things that subvert our authentic selves. Fr. Stephen Gadberry warmly puts this another way - ‘Joy is the grace that allows us to see things from God’s perspective’.

As you listen to the rise and fall rhythms of this music, and view the different circumstances of others around us, think about how God is always seeking us and how we are seeking Him. And especially this Christmas, remember the power of His human birth into our world – He came down to us, so that we might go back up to Him forever.

Our sincere wish this Christmas is that we might experience true Joy – the same joy the shepherds felt gazing on baby Jesus – knowing and feeling to our bones the love that God has for each one of us - always and everywhere. Gaudete Hodie – Rejoice Today!

‘Seek True Joy,

The one Who Seeks You,

Jesus Christ, Our Lord’

Music and Arrangement - Robert Very

Vocal - Raymond Very

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Dec 15, 2023

Beautiful! Thank You for sharing God, true joy, & your talents with all of us. Merry Christmas!

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