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Homosexuality and Same Sex Attraction
What does the Church really teach about homosexual acts and same sex attraction?

VIDEO - 'Homosexuality, Gay Marriage, and Holiness
Ascension Presents/Jason Evert
VIDEO - 'Does the Church Discriminate Against Gays?'
Chris Stefanick/Real Life Catholic
Other Resources
VIDEO - 'The Context of Church Teaching on Homosexuality' - Fr. Paul Check
VIDEO - 'I'm Not Gay, I'm David' - David Prosen
ARTICLE - 'The Catholic Position on Homosexuality' - USCCB
COURAGE Website - A Roman Catholic apostolate for men and women who experience same-sex attractions and those who love them.
VIDEO - 'Can I Be Gay and Catholic?' - Ascension Presents
ARTICLE - '5 Myths about the Teaching of the Catholic Church on Homosexuality' - Rev. Philip Smith/Diocese of Toledo
VIDEO - 'Gay Marriage and the Breakdown of the Moral Argument' - Bishop Robert Barron​
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